Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Diagnosing Lionel Tate Using Different Psychological Theories

Diagnosing Lionel Tate Using Different Psychological Theories On January 26, 2001, 13-year-old Lionel Tate was convicted in the first-degree murder of Tiffany Eunick. The incident occurred in July of 1999 in Pembroke Park, Florida. Tate, then twelve, claimed he was imitating pro wrestlers when he killed six-year-old Eunick. He claimed to have picked the girl up and accidentally thrown her into a stair handrail and wall while trying to throw her onto a sofa. Experts all agreed that Eunick was beaten for a period of time. The autopsy report showed that the girl suffered a fractured skull, lacerated liver, broken rib, internal hemorrhaging, and cuts and bruises. One expert said her injuries were comparable to falling from a†¦show more content†¦He most likely wrestled with his friends, and due to his size, would usually be able to overtake them. This would be considered a positive attribute to twelve-year-old boys. Tate could possibly have â€Å"beaten up† other children before where his friends would have cheered him on. But in these instances, he was most likely fighting with boys much closer to his own age and size. When it came to Tiffany Eunick, who was just a little girl, he outweighed her by 120 pounds and was much stronger. Sigmund Freud would have taken a much different approach when diagnosing why Lionel Tate killed Tiffany Eunick. Freud believed that behavior is governed by unconscious forces. According to Freud unconscious sexual conflicts rooted in childhood experiences cause most personality disturbances. His theory about the Oedipal complex said that children experience erotically tinged desires for their opposite-sex parent, conveyed by feelings of hostility toward their same-sex parent. Freud said that in order for this dilemma to be resolved the child must eradicate the sexual longings for the opposite-sex parent and overcome the hostility felt toward the same-sex parent. He would most likely argue that the absence of a father in Tate’s life was to blame for his action s. He would say that Tate never resolved the Oedipal dilemma. Carl Rogers was one of the founders of the humanist movement. Humanism is a theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans,Show MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

Monday, December 23, 2019

Fighting the Storm, Receiving a Rainbow - 1176 Words

Peace is the antonym to war, an oxymoron, two terms rarely used in conjunction with one another. Throughout John Knowles’s, A Separate Peace, peace and war cross paths in many occasions. During the primary years of World War II, the students at Devon School went through much pain and distress but also built stronger friendships and harmony during their high school career. And just as the world works through the kinks and unoiled gears of life, the students dealt with the agony. They might not have all made it out alive, but they all learned something from it and became stronger through the experience. Where peace and war collide are some of the most momentous events in their lives that they remember forever. The summer before Phineas†¦show more content†¦(Signed) Your best friend, Elwin Leper Lepellier† (Knowles 192). All the fun and games end when reality crashes their merrymaking. Leper’s telegram does put their hearts to rest because it tells them that he is still alive, but since he has fled and went AWOL, they should be apprehensive about what combat has done to him. Here it shows how in the end, they were able to disregard life for a while and collectively get together as friends to have fun for a short while. But, when the message from Leper is brought around, it called the war to attention and illustrated what their future could look like. Gene is now thrown the responsibility of saving Leper, forcing him to be more grown up—the bigger guy. Visiting Leper made Gene mature faster, because he saw what the war did to Leper, almost requiring him to put on a strong face for everyone and keep it to himself. The scene when Phineas and Gene are talking before he is taken in for surgery and dies is one of the most significant events in the book, because it explains what happened to their friendship. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Perspectives On Managing And Organizing Education Essay Free Essays

Experiential larning provides a phenomenon where direction as a acquisition procedure is applied for single workers, squad edifice and organisational constructions ( Bartik 2001 ) . It provides a holistic and dynamic attack in direction through entrepreneurial acquisition, scheme preparation, job resolution, decision-making and leading. Experiential acquisition as applied in direction has hence been instrumental in planing managerial instruction plans, developing and development. We will write a custom essay sample on Perspectives On Managing And Organizing Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is peculiarly important in determining the behaviour of persons with regard to existent experiences that they go through at their several workplace in relation to their personal ends and aims. Employees are motivated to work at the organisational degree by the grade to which their personal and calling aspirations are applied. The direction of different organisations hence needs to actuate their employees by making an environment that promotes their public assistance for the common benefit. The acquisition manners utilised towards beef uping direction in organisations benchmark both the experiences of directors and work force ( Brockett A ; Merriam 2007 ) . It is every bit of import that personal acquisition manners are le in the procedure of geting dynamic cognition and preparation. Through entrepreneurial acquisition, cognition is acquired which is so complimented by the assimilating phases that includes scheme preparation. Entrepreneurial acquisition incorporates ways of working chances that are good to both workers and the direction. Persons are benefit from experiential larning in direction by constructing the capacity to place jobs in their lives after which declarations are designed to work out them based on the existent challenges that follow the implicit in experiences. In pull offing organisations, the leading seeks to work out jobs which interfere with the end product of their concerns. The acquisition styles that steer the procedure are benchmarked on a proper apprehension of the managerial behaviour, squad edifice and organisational construction. Individual are able of geting cognition through a careful observation of their experiences in add-on to their interaction with their milieus. Peoples are so in a place to measure their experiences in life in order to do of import determinations meant to work out their jobs. Since acquisition is a procedure of geting cognition, the procedure of interrogating day-to-day life experiences from the position of one ‘s ends and aims so invent his/her individuality consequently ( Moon, 2004 ) . Peoples are so directed in their lives by the subsequent picks that they make to react to the accompanying challenges. Experiential larning hence establishes an luxuriant agencies of transforming experiences into cognition which is appropriate to single aspirations. Learning in general seeks to enlarge the cognition base of information. This requires that the information is stored for future mention or otherwise memorized. The accomplishments and facts acquired during the learning procedure should authorise scholars in work outing their day-to-day jobs through using them suitably. Persons have a natural ability to larn from their experiences ( Griffin, 2003 ) . It therefore explores a method of obtaining information by larning from experiences. The cognition is so acquired and transformed to work out jobs that persons have every bit good as the environmental concerns. Experiential acquisition is a uninterrupted procedure that incorporates the experience with theory, contemplation every bit good as solutions. Experiential acquisition is based on the rule that persons learn better from their personal experiences. People ‘s actions in this theory are more of import than what they have been taught ( Moon, 1999 ) . It hence employs a learning procedure that is self fulfilling and gratifying in order for the scholars to confront the challenges suitably. It besides empowers the persons with the ability to go originative and advanced. The theory of experiential larning hence based on firsthand experience and observation. Contemplation in experiential acquisition is really critical ( Silberman, 2007 ) . I t provides the nexus between the existent life experiences and theoretical constructs. Participants in the acquisition procedure are given an chance to interact with each other with an purpose of larning from one another. An person is besides expected to measure his advancement within the squad with a position of developing oneself at the terminal. This is peculiarly utile larning since it equips persons with the possible to grok thoughts easy. This is due to the fact that workers are engaged in several activities at the same clip. As a consequence they require such group activities to animate their acquisition procedure with upper limit end product out of each session ( Hillier, 2002 ) . This is besides because the professionals are able to interact with the acquisition phenomenon firsthand from familiar experiences that could steer their contemplation. Both the content of the acquisition procedure and the relevant experience that is applicable to the scholar are explored. The immediate personal experience provides the foundation for acquisition because it provides a familiar relationship to the theoretical constructs being discussed. Any new thoughts being discussed can hence be verified against these known experiences for their cogency ( Brockett A ; Merriam, 2007 ) . The experiences can besides be understood better through a witting contemplation. Experiential acquisition is typically a uninterrupted procedure that combines existent touchable experiences through contemplation to academic theories in order to calculate current and future events. This may include the procedure of larning about market and corporate kineticss for the end of forming and pull offing concerns. No instructor is involved but the scholar additions knowledge by interacting with the environment straight thereby being able to do personal finds without looking at others ‘ experiences ( Moon, 1999 ) . In order for the scholar to profit from this sort of exposure instruction, he/she should be able to take part proactively in the experience. Another basic constituent entails the scholar ‘s possible to reflect on each and every item of the experience ( Nasta, Gray A ; Gray, 2000 ) . In order to grok the experience to the full, the scholar should possess critical fact-finding accomplishments in order to examine the issues being experienced. Then the scholar needs to hold the accomplishments to cover with hard scenarios every bit good as doing wise picks. This is really utile in authorising the scholar with the possible to work the experiences involved in existent life state of affairs. This becomes even more indispensable to directors and their subsidiaries alike who find the experiences a feasible resource stuff for mention when work outing daily jobs every bit good as doing life determinations. However, these experiences can be to the full utilized if they are understood within the context of formal larning otherwise general experiences may stop up being applied wrongly ( Doyle, MacDonald A ; Leberman 2006 ) . Therefore experiential acquisition on its ain may take to generalisations, stereotypes and bias when scholars make decisions from their experiences. On the manus, experiential larning becomes really utile in assisting persons educate themselves about their best manner to run into personal demands, wants and demands through direct experience. Persons take parting in this sort of acquisition should possess personal enterprise and regular rating of their experiences in order to efficaciously prosecute in the procedure. The procedure requires that scholars at the inset set their ends and aims which are meant to steer them in measuring their experiences. Evaluation entails doing relevant observations, contemplation and the ultimate determination devising. There is besides a constituent of enjoyment in experiential larning characterized by athleticss and games ( Zounkova D, Franc A ; Martin, 2004 ) . The serves to maintain the lessons obtained in the acquisition procedure for a good period of clip. The societal forums created by the athleticss encourage squad work, communicating and leading. When scholars are personally involved in the experiential acquisition procedure, they are able to appreciate their endowments and gifts within a communal and gratifying scene. As a consequence, those easing the experiential acquisition should be rather surpassing in footings of prosecuting the scholars in procedure to the full. This demands that the facilitator provides leading by active engagement every bit good as promoting the squad members to work the environment to the upper limit. They should brainstorm the heads of their co-workers to believe in tandem to the set ends and aims. Emphasis is hence put on an person ‘s personal growing and development through escapade in the mark environment ( Hillier, 2002 ) . The attack seeks to authorise the personal rational, emotional, physical and religious well-being. The person ‘s senses are put to pattern in the acquisition procedure prosecuting the encephalon, the eyes, the bosom, the lingua and the custodies. This means that the whole being of a individual is engaged in a holistic acquisition procedure. Persons so interact with each other constructing relationships and furthering character development and individualism. This signifier of acquisition is peculiarly effectual in grownup acquisition and direction. The grownups have fundamentally gained experience in the immediate yesteryear which is relevant in experiential acquisition procedure when covering with present challenges. Tangible experience is related to theoretical constructs through contemplation and dynamic tests ( Moon, 1999 ) . The grownup scholars utilize their immediate experiences through acute observation and brooding thought to pull relevant constructs about the past events in their finding of future programs. The four phases are integrated procedures that follow each other in the experiential grownup larning procedure. Learners are invariably involved in set uping personal experiences that are related to the current environment being evaluated within a societal cultural apparatus. This properly defines the best position to prosecute in womb-to-tomb learning procedure. It provides a forum for the grownups to develop the society through their personal experiences in position of the current challenges. Experiential acquisition besides provides an chance to develop the grownups ‘ callings after their formal acquisition in schools. Their work experience is peculiarly of import when seeking for publicities at their workplace and leading in the society as an chance to foster their callings. The procedure of experiential larning hence develops a individual ‘s overall mentality and societal relevancy. This manner of acquisition is really of import in finding the sequence of events in a peculiar state of affairs particularly when discoursing possibilities of work outing a job. From this form of events, a general shaping rule can be established to explicate the state of affairs ( Silberman, 2007 ) . The actions that characterize the response to the state of affairs and several other related events provide the implicit in rule. When a similar state of affairs arises or some other related scenario, this rule is applied in specifying the stairss which can be exploited to work out them within that context. This is an of import signifier of larning to grownups particularly those in direction places. This is because they are able to do wise judgements by transporting out a critical contemplation on issues based on old experiences in direction. The grownups are able to expect future results by linking similar actions that occurred in their past experiences at work or in societal forums. Despite of this baronial acquisition procedure, the generalisation of issues may take to erroneous decisions which could damage the credibleness and unity of peculiar cover determination devising processs ( Griffin, Holford A ; Javis, 2003 ) . Above all, scholars in direction have their ain strengths and failings which they are familiar with. This when coupled to their ain experiences which they are easy for them to use, forms a comfy acquisition atmosphere to derive personal cognition. Management as a acquisition procedure besides exploits relevant experiences that are practical in nature such as the application of larning manners by portfolio directors in investing banking. The implicit in attack seeks to analyze the mode in which the portfolio directors are able to use the subsequent job resolution and determination devising accomplishments in forming assets in their portfolios ( Checkoway 2007 ) . The investing subdivisions of a bank which are usually demanding in footings of the big discretional histories and clients with a hazard disposition so steer the investing directors in determination devising. They really achieve the position utilizing suiting larning manners such as active experimentation and concrete experiences in rapprochement of histories. On the manus, other subdivisions of a bank such as the personal trust section with lower public presentation and hazard outlooks every bit good as fewer discretional histories so inform the directors on larning manners that incorporate brooding observation and active conceptualisation in determination devising. The several directors with acquisition manners face-to-face to each other had different experiences in their direction acquisition ; the concrete directors preferable people in the signifier of fellow workers, agents and business communities in their direction portfolios. Abstract directors on the manus obtained information relevant in their sections through analytical informations from beginnings such as company reappraisal and economic analysis ( Pettigrew 2003 ) . The concrete directors really preferred information that was utile in doing specific recommendation to a job with regard to investing banking. It was besides deserving observing that abstract directors arrived at a decisive decision from beginnings of information that they could straight analyse with regard to investing dimensions. As a consequence, abstract directors have a inclination to utilize so much information in their analysis in order to get at a determination as compared to their concrete opposite numbers in the same investing banking ( McGill A ; Weil1989 ) . A situational analysis reveals that experiential larning in investing banking enables directors to be sensitive in their feelings towards other people particularly their clients and other stakeholders who matter in their plans. This really empowers them with an open-minded attack in their lives and managerial callings. This is so followed by job analysis with regard to investing state of affairss which so strengthens understanding in work outing jobs. The principle follows a position that recognizes people ‘s ideas and feelings in order to set up of import sentiments to be made that decide direction challenges. Those persons that participate successfully in this analysis develop a character profile with of import values such as forbearance, equity and resourceful thought. The subsequent experiences are utilized in solution analysis where possibilities are created for practical solutions to underlying following the precedency already established in the old phases. A solution analysis hence generates solution every bit good as their application in deciding jobs ( Sheth A ; Eshghi 2008 ) . In this procedure, people are prefer rational logical thinking as opposed to mere feelings every bit good as set up theories related to underlying state of affairs ( in this instance investing banking ) than look intoing established facts. Directors are concerned with systematic organisation of issues, quantitative analysis and theoretical use of constructs in concern. As a affair of fact, the ensuing result of their idea forms follows a rigorous standard of analysing thoughts and later organizes their systems in investing portfolios for the common benefit of the concern and clients. What follows so is the execution analysis which is characterized by the procedure of placing undertakings that are portion of the solution analysis into a logical program characterized by relevant clip frames with appropriate rating schemes. Mechanisms are established to promote clients for case to put more in stocks and to mortgage installations alternatively of pyramid strategies that could put on the line their pecuniary additions in unbarred ventures. Directors who are able to interrogate issues to this degree derive practical cognition of their concern challenges and state of affairss that confront their dynamic markets ( Partin 2008 ) . These directors finally obtain practical applications of their theoretical cognition in order to act upon fellow co-workers. In kernel the directors taking advantage of active experimentation happen it easier to use abstract solution to their jobs and their organisations. In the universe of investing banking, the directors are able to innovatively plan practical solutions through a situational analysis and the subsequent execution protocols. They are really capable of taking manageable hazards in order to accomplish their ends and aims in add-on to their passion to see an impact of their Bankss in the surrounding environment ( Griffin, Holford A ; Jarvis, 2003 ) . Through corporate societal duties, the directors are capable open uping local investing into enterprises that lead to poverty obliteration. They are influential in converting managers on of import council chamber determinations that create investing enterprises for other corporate every bit good as little and average endeavors. Since experiential acquisition follows a paradigm that values squad edifice, directors who are donees of the preparation value the part of their co-workers in benchmarking concern investings related to banking every bit good as research and development of their portfolios towards competitory advantage in the market ( Hillier 2002 ) . Team constructing characterized by larning from one another ‘s experiences enables for self rating and brainstorming techniques to be applied with a high grade of answerability and transparence. In order to larn from diverse experiences in a squad, the squad really builds itself from constructive duologue which allows for members to reflect about their single experiences together. As a consequence of contemplation, preservation and corporate duty and active question of single experiences, practical solutions can be created for the benefit of the full society. Members are encouraged to interact as equals in group treatments where they brainstorm on issues in their environment and peculiarly in their investing Bankss. The groups every bit do research in their niche markets on their clients with leading from directors with diverse experiential acquisition in order to incorporate dynamic thoughts in determination devising ( Moon 2004 ) . The directors are able to help the squads to develop an image unique to their organisation by spearheading a corporate treatment on different members ‘ experiences. As a consequence of the fruitful treatments, the directors are able to transfuse in the squad some sense of corporate duty in the subsequent determinations that affect their organisation. In kernel, the directors integrate in the workers through responsible leading, an apprehension that all of them belong to the company and their aspirations and ends in life every bit affair ( Silberman 2007 ) . Investings in the bank are more likely to better when the employees are trained to believe in the vision and mission of the organisation every bit good as guided on how to incorporate their single experiences and aspirations into the broader image of the investing authorization. For case, the workers ‘ calling aspirations can be developed more suitably when the bank through squad edifice recognizes endowments and capablenesss of its staff in their determination devising procedure. Monetary awards are non plenty in actuating the bank workers to execute better and honest in their projects. The workers ‘ household and calling aspiration is fundamentally a major ingredient of their direct experiences which could act upon the overall end product of the organisation. The directors fundamentally provide the executive consciousness required to steer the interaction procedure within the squad with maximal regard and focal point ( Nasta, Griffin A ; Gray 2000 ) . It is of import that the workers are guided into fruitful deliberations with a batch of regard with one another ‘s experiences. When the civilization of common regard is developed in the squad, members become receptive to their co-workers points of position which so lead to proper contemplation on the subsequent determination for the common growing and development of everyone. The squad really develops into a acquisition system with members have a maps that contribute towards continuing the aims of the squad. The directors are left to monopolise leading alternatively they are portion of the squad which assumes shared leading with personal demands being integrated into the squad ‘s ends. The functions assigned to team members revolve around the investing banking portfolio with others being information searchers, coordinators and others could function as criterions compositors, compromisers, encouragers and group perceivers ( Zounkova , Franc A ; Martin 2004 ) . Members really preferable executing those undertakings which they were familiar with or otherwise interested in. Despite of this, they were motivated by the squad spirit to execute some responsibilities for the best involvement of the group. As a consequence, the group provides a hospitable infinite for calling growing and expertness among its members. The procedure of experiential acquisition in direction of the banking industry besides allows for the creative activity of occupations through enlargement of concern chances to the young person. The investing portfolio is hence guided by its part to the society as a consequence of the fruitful deliberations that involve the full members of the community. The banking involvements in furthering fiscal growing in the environing community is paramount and squad edifice ensures that the merchandises provided by the establishment ( Silberman 2007 ) . For case husbandmans can be financially empowered through loans that enable them to purchase farm inputs such as seeds and fertilisers in order to guarantee that the end product of their agricultural green goods is sustainable with high net income borders. Students can every bit be supported through experiential acquisition to develop a holistic attack in calling patterned advance. The Bankss are every bit positioned good to widen educational loans and grants to the pupils with minimum involvement rates for their common benefit. Management as a acquisition procedure is hence sustained as a procedure of accommodating to the day-to-day challenges that confront the society particularly in elating their life criterions. Action Plan affecting economic research Economic research is of import in finding the extent to which the benefits of an industrialised economic system are to both the urban and rural scenes. Economic determinations are ever made by political leaders in authorities and people in direction ( Bartik, 2001 ) . Since most of the industries are based in urban scenes, there is sporadic rural-urban migration taking to congestion in major metropoliss. The limited resources particularly in lodging, infinite, employment and sanitation have lead to an addition in the degree of poorness every bit good as an addition in condemnable activities. Directors hence need to take advantage of the available statistics which demand for increased support into urban centres with a position of bettering the societal installations in order to avoid wellness hazard from happening ( Bartik, 2001 ) . Facilities such as schools, infirmaries, prisons and societal amusement articulations require periodic rating and upgrading in order to back up the increasing populations. The authorities may every bit see set abouting economic plans which promote private concerns in order to cut down poorness degrees and empower personal investings in coevals of employment. Such little and average endeavors are managed by people with small preparation in concern direction. The authorities should therefore explore economic research into ways of preparation concern proprietors for such little and average ventures with a position of fiting them with necessary accomplishments on current engineerings ( Bartik, 2001 ) . Research into the state of affairs is really important in steering the procedure of policy doing within authorities. Such policies are utile because some dependable statistics are available to steer the procedure. It is hence of import that a proper analysis is done to happen out the possibility of relocating some industries to rural countries in order to authorise the destitute populations at that place economically. It is non just for authorities to pass immense fiscal investings in traditional sectors of the economic system that can non be widening to suit the increasing populations. They are besides located within urban centres merely go forthing rural dwellers enduring in rampant poorness. It could look expensive to set up new industries for case in rural countries but this type of venture nowadayss instead a lasting solution to the marginalized province of the economic system in the distant scenes ( Bartik, 2001 ) . These demands that equal resources are budgeted in the nationally in order to finance substructure undertakings meant to open up rural countries for both authorities and private investings. There is besides need for authorities subsidies and revenue enhancement releases for economic activities already based in rural countries. Agricultural-based industries could be set up in rural scenes because there are available natural stuffs that can be when the necessary substructure is in topographic point ( Bartik, 2001 ) . As such, economic research is really relevant in steering authorities intercessions in cut downing poorness degrees every bit good as coevals of wealth across the board. It is hence of import for policy shapers to understand the kineticss associated with both urban and rural scenes. Other factors important for the economic research include the literacy degrees and acceptance of engineerings in the assorted scenes. When the authorities ends within the its vicinity as a state succeeds in accomplishing their aims in eliminating poorness every bit good as create employment chances for all, they every bit open up their states for direct foreign investings ( Bartik, 2001 ) . This therefore means that economic productiveness could come on with equal distribution of resources. The authorities general financial policies are based on dependable informations about the worlds on the land every bit good as the planetary political tendencies. Decision Experiential acquisition is hence an of import parametric quantity that informs research, instruction and direction for the well-being of society. Experiences that people have in different environments, when integrated into the common ends of the community, boosts development enterprises. Resources including human work force are efficaciously managed when diverse experiences are exploited for the common good of everyone. As a consequence of this worthwhile acquisition paradigm, direction in such fiscal establishments as Bankss can be efficaciously done as noted through squad edifice for the intent of non merely increasing investings but besides cut downing poorness and making occupations. The overall consequence is the betterment of the people ‘s life criterions. Mentions list Bartik, J. , T.2001. Jobs for the hapless: can labour demand policies help. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001. Brockett, G. R, Merriam B. S. 2007. The Profession and Practice of Adult Education: An Introduction Jossey-Bass higher and adult instruction series, London: John Wiley and Sons. Checkoway, B. 2007.Strategic positions on planning pattern. Michigan: Lexington Books. Doyle, S. , McDonald, L. A ; Leberman, S. 2006. The transportation of acquisition: participants ‘ positions of grownup instruction and preparation. Berlin: Gower Publishing, Ltd. Griffin, C. Holford, J. A ; Jarvis, P. 2003. The theory A ; pattern of larning, New York: Routledge. Hillier Y. 2002. Brooding instruction in farther and big instruction Continuum Studies in Lifelong larning.Washington: Continuum International Publishing Group. McGill I. A ; Weil W. S.1989. Making sense of experiential acquisition: diverseness in theory and pattern, Washington: Society for Research into Higher Education. Moon, A, J. 1999. Contemplation in larning and professional development: theory and pattern. New York: Routledge. Moon, A. J. 2004. A enchiridion of brooding and experiential acquisition: theory and pattern. New York: Routledge. Nasta, T, Griffin C, Gray D.2000. Training to learn in farther and big instruction Teacher Training Series. London: Nelson Thornes. Partin, J.J. 2008. Current positions in organisation development. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Pettigrew A, M. 2003. Advanced signifiers of forming: international positions. London: Sage. Sheth N, J. A ; Eshghi G, S. 2008.Global human resources positions. California: South-Western Publishing Company. Silberman L, M 2007. The enchiridion of experiential larning Essential Knowledge Resource Series. London: John Wiley and Sons. Zounkova D, Franc D, Martin A. 2004. Outdoor and experiential acquisition: an holistic and originative attack to programme design. Berlin: Gower Publishing, Ltd. How to cite Perspectives On Managing And Organizing Education Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Patch Adams free essay sample

Adams had a difficult childhood. His father, an officer in the United States Army, had fought in  Korea, and died while stationed in Germany when Adams was still a teenager. After his fathers death, Adams returned to the United States with his mother and brother. Upon his return, Adams has stated that he encountered institutional injustice which made him a target for bullies at school. As a result, Adams was unhappy and became actively suicidal. After being hospitalized three times in one year for wanting to end his life, he decided you dont kill yourself, stupid; you make revolution. Early career After graduating (1963) from  Wakefield High School  Adams completed pre-med coursework at the  George Washington University. He began medical school without an undergraduate degree, and earned his  Doctor of Medicine  degree at  Virginia Commonwealth University  (Medical College of Virginia) in 1971. In the late 1960s one of his closest friends (a man, not a woman as depicted in the  Patch Adamsfilm) was murdered. We will write a custom essay sample on Patch Adams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Convinced of the powerful connection between  environment  and  wellness, he believes the health of an individual cannot be separated from the health of the family, community, and the world. While working in an adolescent clinic at  MCV, in his final year of med school, he met Linda Edquist, a fellow VCU student who volunteered in the clinic. Soon after graduation, Patch, Linda, and friends founded the  Gesundheit! Institute  (originally known to many as the Zanies), which ran as a free community hospital for 12 years. Institute, envisioned as a free, full-scale hospital and health care  eco-community, is planned on 316 acres (128  ha) in  Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Its goal is to integrate a traditional hospital with  alternative medicine, with the organization developing educational programs in sustainable  systems design  targeted to medical students and the general public. Since the 1990s Adams has supported the  Ithaca Health Alliance  (IHA),  founded as the Ithaca Health Fund (IHF) by  Paul Glover. In January 2006 IHA launched the Ithaca Free Clinic, bringing to life key aspects of Adams vision. Adams has also given strong praise to  Health Democracy, Glovers book written and published the same year. In October 2007, Adams and the Gesundheit Board unveiled its campaign to raise $1 million towards building a Teaching Center and Clinic on its land in  West Virginia. The Center and Clinic will enable Gesundheit to see patients and teach health care design. Adams urges medical students to develop compassionate connections with their patients. His prescription for this kind of care relies on humor and play, which he sees as essential to physical and emotional health. Ultimately, Adams wants theGesundheit! Institute  to open a 40-bed hospital in rural West Virginia that offers free,  holistic care  to anyone who wants it. Adams was awarded the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award on January 29, 1997. In 2008, Adams agreed to become honorary chair of the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment or IAACM. In a number of his speeches and essays, Martin Luther King, Jr. had called for such an IAACM, but none was ever created. MindFreedom International, a nonprofit coalition that Gesundheit! elongs to as a sponsor group, launched the IAACM to support creative maladjustment and social change. Adams has criticized the film, saying it eschewed an accurate representation of his beliefs in favor of commercial viability. He said that out of all aspects of his life and activism, the film portrayed him merely as a funny doctor. 9]  Patch Adams also said of Robin Williams in an interview, He made $21 million for four months of pretending to be me, in a very simplistic version, and did not give $10 to my free hospital. Patch Adams, the person, would have, if I had Robins money, given  all  $21 million to a free hospital in a country where 80 million cannot get care. However, in another interview, Adams did clarify that he did not dislike Williams  and Williams has actively supported  St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital  for several years. As a speaker, Dr. Adams travels around the globe lecturing about his medicine methods.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The play Translations by Brian Friel Essay Example For Students

The play Translations by Brian Friel Essay The play Translations was written by Brian Friel an Irish playwright and a founder of the Field Day Theatre Company who, for their first production, presented Translations in 1980. The popularity of the play was so that productions were the staged regularly within England and Ireland through out the 1980s but what was it that made the play so popular.  Within the 1980s troubles had sparked within Northern Ireland, the horrific Bloody Sunday, civil rights marches and the formation of the terrorist group calling themselves The Provisional IRA created a deeply divided nation. These political troubles echoed those of Irelands past when the divide between the protestant landlords and the Catholics who worked the land and were heavily taxed, like the occupants of Baile Beag in 1833, for this reason the play would have been of interest to audiences in the 1980s as a historic background to the current events. But the play was not historically correct although it was based loosely around historic fact there were major deviances for which the play was criticised. For instance the Sappers Yolland and Lancey who are mapping Ireland using English place names, although they may have been employed by the army to map the landscape they were not soldiers and would never have had the man power to destroy the village as Yolland threatened. We will write a custom essay on The play Translations by Brian Friel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The plays content is diverse attracting various audiences but the key for it success is the inclusion of the factors which engage the audience, Conflict, Anticipation, Suspense, pace and contrast. Confliction between Maire and Manus, anticipation about Maire and Lanceys relationship, suspense when Lancey dies, pace when Owen arrives and contrast between Doalty and Jimmy Jack all examples of each of the techniques. The humour present in the play is also an attractive feature for an audience, for instance the character Jimmy Jacks infatuation with the ancient Greek and Latin texts leading him to believe they are true and that he is to be married to the goddess Athene. Other humour is also present in the structure of the play. The comic irony that although the characters on stage are reciting the play in English they are actually speaking Gaelic. To the upper class the theatre was considered an intelligible place to go. The translations play was not only philosophical but political and didactical so a upper class audience would have found it fitting as well as entertaining for its humorous and human interests, such as relationships, within the script.  As well as the English and Irish audiences other audiences were also present in America as well this is down to the fact that there are areas of Irish communities due to emigration. This audience would be interested as the play takes place a little before the potato famine, which caused the mass emigration to America.  Overall the play had great popularity due to the vast content Willy Russell had incorporated within the story giving a factor to attract each audience type.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Is Britain a Meritocratic Society

Is Britain a Meritocratic Society It was determined by history that people need a belief based upon which they would build their present and future. Here is where the need for formulating various concepts of society derives from. One of the popular approaches to defining society is that of the meritocratic society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Britain a Meritocratic Society? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First coined by Michael Young in his 1958 book named The Rise of Meritocracy, this conception is a combination of merit and aristocracy. Merit, broadly speaking, is a prominent value distinguishing one between the others and a will and hard work to use them as a tool for achieving success in life, and aristocracy is the upper class of the society who are the most privileged. In general, meritocracy is an aristocracy based on merit and ignoring kinship1. That said, meritocracy or a meritocratic society is a type of society in which those who have talents and extraordinary intellectual abilities and skills will achieve success in life and, what is more, reach the leading and ruling positions in their community regardless of their family ties and background2. According to the postulates of this approach to defining society, those who are the brightest and the most hard-working and persistent will occupy the highest positions in the society whether it be ruling a little group of people, an organization or a whole country. Generally speaking, meritocracy is: A principle of allocation of people to positions in the socio-economic hierarchy, typically jobs. †¦ The theory is that meritocracy offers a ‘ladder of opportunity’, on which everyone has an equal chance to climb as far as their ‘merit’ permits.3 Meritocratic society operates based on several principles, as initially defined by Michael Young in his book. First of all, meritocracy requires administrative tool controlling the redistribution of human talent. That means that there should be specially authorised organization testing people’s unique abilities and skills before they occupy their positions in the society. Generally speaking, it means that there should be a special network of examinations and that certain position requires a certain set of skills, so prior to entering it, the potential occupant should be tested for having such skills. Second, the skills mentioned above should be fixed and unchangeable.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It does not mean that they remain the same over centuries; instead, they change once in a while so that they correspond to the needs of certain historical epoch but what remains unchangeable is the high level of knowledge and talent required for taking up higher appointments. Third, there is no place for competition in a perfect meritocracy. This principle ma y sound a little weird if thinking about the very essence of the meritocratic approach but it is believed that administrative procedures have no defects thus eradicating competition as such. It may be explained by the fact that people are redistributed according to their abilities and talents so that they believe that they are exactly where they deserve to be thus there is no need to compete with others and prove that they are better than others4. Such a conception of society is a source of particular problems. First and foremost, meritocracy as such leads to socio-economic inequality in the society. From the theoretical perspective, it is viewed as the path towards equal opportunities but the practice has proven that society cannot operate when based on merit. Instead, family ties and the background, not intellectual abilities or unique skills, are the criteria for determining chances for success. It may be easily explained by one simple fact – those who have already occupie d high positions in the society do not want their children to hold lower ones thus blocking access to the talented people without the similar background5. The second challenge is the problem of defining the merit as such. As the times have changed, one new element was added to the concept of merit. It is that of kinship as it was already mentioned above. That said, as long as society values prestige and family ties instead of creative and intellectual potential, it cannot function and develop as a meritocracy in its traditional sense. The third problem of such a conception of the society is that living in the meritocratic conditions people are taught that inequality is justifiable. The reason for this belief lies in the definition of merit as such6. As long as people believe that they do not have the opportunity to obtain certain positions without certain skills or talents and that they deserve to be exactly where they are, they do not have the desire to change this reality, self-ev olve, and reach new horizons. Many may believe that meritocracies are as dead as Julius Caesar but, in fact, they are not the tales of the past. Nowadays most developed societies consider themselves to be meritocratic, as they believe that there are equal opportunities to succeed in life for everyone who has talent and works hard.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Britain a Meritocratic Society? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, they claim that the harder you work, the higher you get, and, of course, your talent and intellectual and creative potential are the only things that limit you in climbing the ladder. Together with that, people in the developed societies stress that they totally ignore the person’s background and family ties if he or she demonstrates yearning to succeed in life and has unique skills. Britain in this sense is not an exception, and it is a meritocratic society. In general, mos t people stick to a concept of merit. What is more, today, it almost does not matter what class you come from or what your ethnic background is because if you are talented and persistent, the possibility of achieving success is high. More than that, you are most likely to achieve the position your skills allow you to, so everyone in the society occupies exactly the right place. What is more prominent is that there have been many positive shifts in the movement towards perfect meritocratic society such as elevating a barrier of class. That means that birth in a working-class family, for example, does not preclude a talented person from gaining higher education and becoming a citizen of high-status. Regardless of the positive developments mentioned above class still matters in the overall setting of one’s life. It originates from the parents’ love and their desire to help their children find the best possible place in life not from stressing that class is a barrier to in tellectual and creative development. That said, parents might want to let their kids attend the most prestigious schools they can afford thus granting them certain merits in life7 as education has become one of them. What is more, they may help their children occupy particular positions thus inverting the natural course of meritocracy. Parents’ interference with their children’s lives is what is one of the main preclusions to perfect meritocracy. It should be said, however, that this statement is only fair in the case of high-status families, especially those occupying the highest ruling positions in the society. In most cases today, those who hold them cannot make a boast of their social status as they have it due to their background. It does not mean that they do not have any merits at all; it only means that, in the case they had not had the status of their family, they would not have been where they currently are since their skills and talents do not correspond to it. That said, the desire of the parents especially those who are involved in politics and ruling the country to prevent their children from falling is what keeps British society from achieving a state of perfect meritocracy.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Together with that, universal access to education including school and higher education is what is often viewed as a preclusion to build a perfect meritocratic society in its traditional sense. There is a point of view that the ability to obtain education should not be universal, as it inverts the natural course of the development of meritocracy because it is a primary source of inequality in the society8. The main argument in favour of this statement is that there is inequality in the ability of families to help their children with gaining the education and that the one with more prestigious education occupies better positions of higher status regardless of the level of knowledge, skills, and talent. I am strongly inclined to believe that even though there are many problems deriving from the meritocratic concept of society, there is one promising opportunity of the present times that can help return to the meritocratic society in its traditional sense. With the outburst of informat ion and communication technologies and the overall shift to the knowledge-driven world, those without family ties with the highest circles of the community have gotten their chance to succeed in life with the help of their skills and talents. Since higher education has become available to nearly anyone and is no longer a prerogative of the privileged ones, the educational system has become that administratively authorised unit that can control the redistribution of talent. I do believe in it because education leads to inequality in society not in the case of different level of the college prestige but in the case if some people had the opportunity to obtain the higher education because of their family’s status in the society, and others had not. When everyone is equal in access to education, even though the level of prestige differs, there emerges the possibility of equality because all that as the end results matters is not the name of the college indicated on the diploma bu t the level of knowledge and whether a person has skills needed for feeling the position. That said, the level of education has become one more merit. Of course, those enjoying the advantage of kinship will occupy most ruling positions but people with high intellectual abilities and robust creative potential will find their way to attaining a high place. One more argument in favour of the meritocracy of British society is the Queen’s Honour system9. It may be considered to be out in the left field but, in fact, meritocracy is about being rewarded for unique skills and persistent work. With this in mind, Queen’s system of Honours proves that there is some other way to reward people rather than the career, power, and money and that those who work for the good of their country should be titled and remembered. Together with the system of rewards, it also demonstrates the hierarchy in the society with being knighted as a symbol of reaching the highest ladder of it or the hi ghest rank possible. So, British society is just one little step away from becoming a perfect meritocracy. Since the end of World War II, there have been many positive shifts in achieving social justice and equality such as carrying out various reforms aimed at eradicating barriers keeping talented and skilled people away from becoming successful and obtaining high status in society. It should be said that taking one last step towards transforming in a perfectly meritocratic society may be even harder than all those previous ones that have already been taken, as it would mean that those occupying the highest ruling positions would let their children live their lives by means of their own unique character traits, knowledge, and persistence, i.e. their merits. Bearing in mind everything that was mentioned above building a society based on meritocratic approach is only possible in the case if every next generation forgets about the success and status of the current generation and start s its way from the very beginning with their intellectual and creative potential as the only criteria for achieving set objectives. It, to my mind, is impossible due to the human’s nature, as the parents always want their children to have the best conditions for living their lives. The only option that might be possible in such case is creating conditions for fair competition in the society even though it is contrary to the postulates of the meritocratic society. I can explain it by providing the statement that without the competition there is no opportunity for achieving equality, as there are people who might have similar skills and talents so there should be a way of choosing it. So, developing competitive atmosphere together with education may become that administrative tool for redistributing human talent that is necessary for meritocratic society in it traditional sense. Reference List Allen, Ansgar, ‘Michael Young’s The Rise of the Meritocracy: A Philosoph ical Critique, British Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 367-382. Bloodworth, James, Meritocracy is a Myth, Independent (2014). Web. Duru-Bellat, Marie., Tenret, Elise., Whos for Meritocracy? Individual and Contextual Variations in the Faith’, Comparative Education Review, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 223-247. Gelman, Andrew, â€Å"Meritocracy Won’t Happen: The Problem with the Ocracy†, Washington Post (2014). Web. Lister, Ruth, ‘Ladder of Opportunity of Engine of Inequality?’, The Political Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, 2006, pp. 232-234. Saunders, Peter, Meritocracy and Popular Legitimacy, The Political Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, 2006, pp. 183-194. Strong, Roy, Englands Class System is a Meritocracy, The Telegraph (2014). Web. Wooldridge, Adrian, Measuring the Mind: Education and Psychology in England C. 1860-c.1990 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008). Footnotes 1 Adrian Wooldridge, Measuring the Mind: Education and Psychology in En gland C.1860-c.1990, p. 166. 2 Peter Saunders, Meritocracy and Popular Legitimacy, The Political Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, 2006, p. 183. 3 Ruth Lister, ‘Ladder of Opportunity of Engine of Inequality?’ The Political Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, 2006, p. 232. 4 Ansgar Allen, ‘Michael Young’s The Rise of the Meritocracy: A Philosophical Critique, British Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 370-374. 5 Andrew Gelman, †Meritocracy Won’t Happen: The Problem with the Ocracy†, Washington Post. 6 Marie Duru-Bellat Elise Tenret, Whos for Meritocracy? Individual and Contextual Variations in the Faith’, Comparative Education Review, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 223. 7 Peter Saunders, Meritocracy and Popular Legitimacy, p. 183. 8 James Bloodworth, Meritocracy is a Myth, Independent. 9 Roy Strong, Englands Class System is a Meritocracy, The Telegraph.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Fairtax (fairtax.org) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Fairtax (fairtax.org) - Research Paper Example gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment taxes with a federal retail sales tax to be levied once at the point of purchase on all new goods and services. According to proposed policy, every household of the United States is also eligible to receive a sales tax rebate each month. This rebate is equal to the product of (1) the sales tax rate of 23% and (2) the family consumption allowance divided by twelve. One of controversial aspects of the FairTax reform is the ability to be revenue-neutral, which means whether it would generate the same amount of overall federal tax revenues. Supporters of the FairTax claim the 23% rate is revenue-neutral while opponents disagree. Another common criticism of the FairTax is that it is regressive. That is, lower level income households bear a larger than equitable portion of the tax burden because most of their income is spent on essential daily need consumption items. Simultaneously, the proponents of the reform argu e that the FairTax can be progressive due to exemptions or rebates. This particular paper aims to analyze both sides of the debate and provide necessary empirical evidence based on the previous literature research regarding the controversial nature of the FairTax. In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, laid out certain criteria forejudging tax structures and tax policies. Specifically, he felt that equity, explicitness, simplicity of compliance, and economy of administration should be the cornerstones of any tax system. The current federal tax system is criticized as being too complicated and unfair (Slemrod, 58). Efforts to simplify the current tax system, e.g., Tax Reform Act of 1986, are often viewed as ineffectual in creating a fairer or simpler system (Hite and Roberts, 121). For example, the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform (2005) points out that â€Å"our current tax code is a complicated mess. Instead of clarity, we have

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What constitutes a quality research proposal Essay

What constitutes a quality research proposal - Essay Example Proficiency in research proposal writing cannot counteract an unsound project, yet it can offer the supplementary gauge of quality that discerns a premium research proposal with its competition (Levinson 2000). Basically a research proposal is the demonstration of a plan that an individual aims to pursue. A quality research proposal supposes that the researcher have already deliberated about his/her project and have allocated substantial time and effort in collecting relevant information, analysing and then structuring his/her ideas. A good research proposal is not a hastened task (Saunders 2006). Therefore, one could think that the research proposal is a subsequent step, after the topic selection. The actual research proposal will specify the analytical question a researcher aims to investigate. The groundwork of a quality research proposal is a viable research problem. Moreover, a quality research proposal has nine components, and each part is essential in a successful presentation. The particular outline and content of the components could differ (Marcoulides 1998). In order to demonstrate what constitutes a quality research proposal it is important to discuss the research components. Above all, the statement of the problem should incorporate a definite and short statement of the objective or purpose of the plan. In a business research proposal, this section is made up of the particular question/s to be studied, a succinct description of the significance of the study, and an account of how the findings will contribute to the present literature (Marcoulides 1998). Second, a good research proposal should indicate the researcher’s analyses of relevant literatures and where particularly his/her investigation stands in that framework. This section has not to be long, though it should be wide-ranging. It should outline the fundamental issues in the literature, emphasise key areas of conflict, and demonstrate a critical

Monday, November 18, 2019

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for Essay

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for stewardship and for decision making - Essay Example It is this purchase price which is referred to as the "historical" cost. An extension of this discussion will lead to interesting questions. The asset must be shown in the books at the purchase price. It is not to be shown at the market value. This is done to ensure a "true and fair" picture of the financial position of the firm. It is commonly noted that the asset which is purchased by the company will increase/decrease in value over time, because of market forces. In such a case, the correct representation of the asset will lie only in showing them at their original, historical cost. Showing the asset at its market value will portray the asset at a value which may be inflated or deflated, as the market forces may be. This will defeat the purpose of financial accounting, which involves giving a "true and fair" view of accounts. In such a case, as per the historical cost principle, the value of this land will be $50,000 in the books. Showing it at the inflated price of $80,000 will be against the accounting principle of prudence2, and it will inflate the profits of the firm, which may influence prospective outsiders. We know that Assets less Liabilities equals equity. So, greater the assets, greater the equity. However, since investors, creditors and other outsiders need to know the accurate information, which can be provided only with an accurate stewardship, there has to be a method that makes the selection of asset-value uniform. And that method is the historical cost principle. Not only does the historical cost convention make the value of assets uniform and unambiguous - as the cost of acquisition is shown as the asset value - it makes the whole process of number crunching an easier one. Evaluating the assets at their market value allows a lot of ambiguity to creep in. Since market value is always subject to volatility, the value of assets would always be subjective. The historical cost principle, in such a situation, evaluates the assets at the cost of their acquisition, making the value objective and uniform3. In such a case, the historical cost convention is particularly useful for stewardship. As discussed earlier, the historical cost convention requires the asset to be valued at its acquisition cost only. This means that only the money which we have actually spent is to be shown in the books. An inflated value of the assets goes against the principle of prudence. Stewardship, which plays the important role of communication of information to outsiders, involves presenting the financial position of the firm as accurately as possible, and of course, keeping in mind all norms. The historical cost convention enables this function to be done with vital ease. Upon employing the historical cost principle, the books of accounts present an impartial view of the financial position of the business concern. This naturally, helps prospective outsiders make a fully informed decision,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing

The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing Nowadays most companies tend to let third party companies to handle the operation of their services. This initiative is considered to be a risky action, because it is primary made for deducting the costs as well as the particularization these companies has to offer. Besides of the advantages that many companies have faced during outsourcing there are some disadvantages also. Below I will describe further advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in organizations such as Tesco. Advantages of outsourcing Reducing Costs As I mentioned before reducing the costs is the main aspect that companies choose to use outsourcing. These costs are usually referring to employee fees, office space expenses as well as some other costs such as outsourced workforce as it is proved to be way cheaper than workforce coming from developed countries. Time Utilization A widely known benefit that outsourcing has to offer, is the high speeding time that outsourced work is done. A great example of time utilization in a company would be the employee hiring procedure for the creation of a new team. Using outsourcing this time can be reduced to a maximal level. Skills Acquisition Another capability that outsourcing has to offer in a company is the adeptness that employees does not have. A characteristic example in a company such as Tesco is when the personnel needs have to deal with a new technology in order to perform best in their divisions. This way type of outsourcing helps the company to accomplish the pre mentioned benefits which are reducing both time and cost. Operational Efficiency Due to the fact that workforce is handled by outsourcing, individuals inside a company can have the opportunity concentrate more on their initial charges and perform better in their departments. This is an important reason for a company to use outsourcing as it allows the employees to emphasize on their proficiency but mostly on core business. Customers Satisfaction It has significant use when a company has a contract with a seller and so it is bound to offer a high service level as well as quality. That is why, when a company has an outsourced IT function and one of the employees calls in sick, they are obligated to find a surrogate that can accomplish the job and satisfy the customer. Disadvantages of outsourcing Quality Risk Using outsourcing has drawbacks sometimes which can compromise the name and the reputation of a company. For example if a customer has a purchase and later on discovers that part of the product he paid for is damaged, then the company has the obligation to substitute that part by contacting their outsource supplier but the company will always carry the burden of a damaged product. Constant Management It is widely known that most companies nowadays, fail to outsource their projects due to the fact that they dont have a proper management system. To elaborate, every company needs to possess a high intelligence manager, which will exclusively deal with the management of the outsourced projects. In such a big company as Tesco is, this person should fully qualified to determine the outsourced workforce demands, and ensure that all the providers are constantly updated to meet these demands. Frustrating Conditions These conditions are usually referring to employees knowledge. When we are dealing with big companies such as Tesco sometimes problems like language barriers occur. For example when a customer call center is outsourced to a different language company, there may be some annoyed customers that will deal with unhandy communication condition. Another strong frustration is the lack of organization knowledge, where outsourced employees are not surrounded by the same passion or obligation for an organization, making them usually look fool and unknowledgeable in the eyes of a customer. On the other hand, there are some frustrations detected from the companys own personnel to the outsourced providers. This happens when the knowledge of the personnel is not in high levels, leading them to accuse for the bad service the outsourced supplier. Security It important for a customer to know that is respected and those they can trust the company by giving them personal information. That is why the management of the customers confidential information should be always processed by companys employees and not the outsourced one. Layoffs Fears Outsourcing often fears the employees because their job may be in risk due other outsourced employees. This condition reflects negatively on the employees psychology, as well as their own job. To avoid this uncomfortable situation companies such as Tesco must protect their personnel from losing their temper by informing every single employee that they shouldnt or in some cases should worry about losing their job. Question 2 Hyperlinks http://www.outsourcing.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsourcing http://e-articles.info/e/a/title/Outsourcing-Help:-Pros-and-Cons-of-Outsourcing/ http://thethrivingsmallbusiness.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-outsourcing/

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Policing Worldwide Essay -- Law Enforcement Police

Policing Worldwide The world of policing is one of constant change. As far back as the early days of Peelian police philosophy the missions and goals of police departments have constantly been altered. In our diverse communities and cites worldwide we see police departments engaged in very different forms of policing. Even across the many jurisdictions that operate within our nation we see departments that run at the very opposite ends of the policing spectrum, with some acing in extreme public service roles and others involved in aggressive crime fighting ideologies. These different approaches are all based of what the police identifies as the needs of the community. As constant research is conducted in the field of policing, departments adopt new policies and programs. As new technologies arise they too are incorporated into law enforcement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The New York City Police Department like any other department in the world is constantly changing and adapting its policies to conform to that of new technologies and trends in law enforcement. One of these policies that has been put into use in recent years has been that of a community policing initiative. Finding its roots in police-community relations policies of the 50’s and 60’s, community policing is a philosophy that seeks to form a partnership between the police and the community. Through this bond the community can fully identify its needs and work together with the police to battle crime as well as many other services that do not fall within the traditional roles of policing. All of this is aimed at taking a proactive approach to crime. Its basis is simply trying to work with the community to identify its problems and fixing them before they escalate or lead to crime. Community policing is far different than any other philosophy seen in pol icing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although throughout history, â€Å"there have been sporadic variations in the underpinnings of American law enforcement, its substantively has remained a legal-bureaucratic organization focusing on professional law enforcement (Gaines and Kappeler, 2003 p. 476)†. This legal-bureaucratic set up of the American police department has it as an agency concerned with statistic and numbers. The outputs of policing that include number of arrests, volume of recovered property, number of citations issued, response times and the other stats of policing play a more i... ...mmander is then praised for his success in lower crime. However, I feel that this alienates the police from a community. If the police implement aggressive tactic in an area, the public often perceives this in almost a military sweep. The cops are seen as the bad guys that only come in to arrest the criminals and then go on their way to other high crime areas. If CompStat identified the high crime areas and then used community policing tactics to permanently rid the underlying problems of crime in that  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However the hierarchy of the New York City Police Department chooses to deal with these two new tactics in policing will change the course of our city. I feel that while both valuable tactics, the NYPD should stress its role in community policing. If the police continue to adopt aggressive styles of policing and continue to alienate themselves from the community, they might find themselves being hated by the city they protect. I think that CompStat has been a val uable tool for New York to lower its crime rate, however I think it fosters reactive and aggressive tactics. Unless it is changed or abandoned, the police will continue to widen the gap between themselves and the public.

Monday, November 11, 2019

City of God vs. The Protestant Reformations Essay

Introduction: The belief that God is present to the human mind and soul, and can be found is part of the Christian tradition. Many Christian philosophers seem to regard this as the concern only of specially devout persons and of no interest for philosophical purposes. The evidence for it, they think, it too slender to be taken seriously by academic philosophers without particular interest in religion, who tend to regard anything in the nature of religious experience as suspect. So, philosophical discussions about religion are usually concerned with rational arguments for and against theism, usually of a technical kind. In this article, I want to discuss the Augustine world with the reformist will as proposed by Martin Luther. One of the great cornerstones in the history of Christian thought, The City of God is vital to an understanding of modern Western society and how it came into being. Begun in A.D. 413 by Saint Augustine, the great theologian who was bishop of Hippo, the book’s initial purpose was to refute the charge that Christianity was to blame for the fall of Rome (which had occurred just three years earlier). Augustine’s City of God, a monumental work of religious lore, philosophy, and history, was written as a kind of literary tombstone for Roman culture. After the downfall of Rome, Augustine wrote this book to portray the corruption of Romans’ pursuit of earthly pleasures: â€Å"grasping for praise, open-handed with their money; honest in the pursuit of wealth, they wanted to hoard glory.† Augustine contrasts his condemnation of Rome with an exaltation of Christian culture. The glory that Rome failed to attain will only be realized by citizens of the City of God, the Heavenly Jerusalem foreseen in Revelation. On the other hand Hans J. Hillerbrand in his book â€Å"The Protestant Reformation† says â€Å"When the reformers who had first ventured a new interpretation of the gospel had passed from the scene, the question which had haunted the Reformation from its very inception–where is truth?–was still contested by the proponents of the old and the new faith. But one fact was beyond dispute: Western Christendom was tragically divided†¦into no less than five religious factions†¦.Though these divisions were the result of intense religious conviction, they could not help but lessen the intensity of religious belief in Europe. The Reformation of the sixteenth century was the last period in the history of Western civilization when men were preoccupied with religion, argued it, fought and even died for it. Its consequences are still with us†. Argument: The two cities in city of God and the two wills in Lutheranism No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than the â€Å"City of God†. Since medieval Europe has been the cradle of today’s Western civilization, this work by consequence is vital for an understanding of our world and how it came into being. St. Augustine is often regarded as the most influential Christian thinker after St. Paul, and this book highlights upon a vast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. It began as a reply to the charge that Christian otherworldliness was causing the decline of the Roman Empire. Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Then he proceeded to his larger theme, a cosmic interpretation of history in terms of the struggle between good and evil: the City of God in conflict with the Earthly City or the City of the Devil. This, the first serious attempt at a philosophy of history, was to have incalculable influence in forming the Western mind on the relations of church and state, and on the Christian’s place in the temporal order. It is more than a question of setting down on paper a series of abstract principles and then applying them in practice. Christianity is more than a moral code, more than a philosophy, more than a system of rites. Although it is sufficient, in the abstract, to divide the Catholic religion into three aspects and call them creed, code and cult, yet in practice, the integral Christian life is something far more than all this. It is more than a belief; it is a life. That is to say, it is a belief that is lived and experienced and expressed in action. The action in which it is expressed, experienced and lived is called a mystery. This mystery is the sacred drama which keeps ever present in history the Sacrifice that was once consummated by Christ on Calvary. In plain words–if you can accept them as plain–Christianity is the life and death and resurrection of Christ going on day after day in the souls of individual men and in the heart of society. It is this Christ-life, this incorporation into the Body of Christ, this union with His death and resurrection as a matter of conscious experience, that St. Augustine wrote of in his Confessions. But Augustine not only experienced the reality of Christ living in his own soul. He was just as keenly aware of the presence and action, the Birth, Sacrifice, Death and Resurrection of the Mystical Christ in the midst of human society. And this experience, this vision, if you would call it that, qualified him to write a book that was to be, in fact, the autobiography of the Catholic Church. That is what The City of God is. Just as truly as the Confessions are the autobiography of St. Augustine, The City of God is the autobiography of the Church written by the most Catholic of her great saints. Evidently, the treatment of the theme is so leisurely and so meandering and so diffuse that The City of God, more than any other book, requires an introduction. The best we can do here is to offer a few practical suggestions as to how to tackle it. The first of these suggestions is this: since, after all, The City of God reflects much of St. Augustine’s own personality and is colored by it, the reader who has never met Augustine before ought to go first of all to the Confessions. Once he gets to know the saint, he will be better able to understand Augustine’s view of society. Then, no one who is not a specialist, with a good background of history or of theology or of philosophy, ought not to attempt to read the City, for the first time, beginning at page one. The living heart of the City is found in Book Nineteen, and this is the section that will make the most immediate appeal to us today because it is concerned with the theology of peace. However, Book Nineteen cannot be understood all by itself. The best source for solutions to the most pressing problems it will raise is Book Fourteen, where the origin of the two Cities is sketched, in an essay on original sin. On the other hand the protestant reformation deals with the religious movement which made its appearance in western Europe in the sixteenth century, and which, while ostensibly aiming at an internal renewal of the church, really led to a great revolt against it, and an abandonment of the principal Christian beliefs. The causes of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century must be sought as far back as the fourteenth. The doctrine of the church, it is true, had remained pure; saintly lives were yet frequent in all parts of Europe, and the numerous beneficent medieval institutions of the church continued their course uninterruptedly. Whatever unhappy conditions existed were largely due to civil and profane influences or to the exercise of authority by ecclesiastics in civil spheres; they did not obtain everywhere with equal intensity, nor did they always occur simultaneous in the same country. Ecclesiastical and religious life exhibited in many places vigor and variety; works of education and charity abounded; religious art in all its forms had a living force; domestic missionaries were many and influential; pious and edifying literature was common and appreciated. Gradually, however, and largely owing to the variously hostile spirit of the civil powers, fostered and heightened by several elements of the new order, there grew up in many parts of Europe political and social conditions which hampered the free reformatory activities of the church, and favored the bold and unscrupulous, who seized a unique opportunity to let loose all the forces of heresy and schism so long held in check by the harmonious action of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities. Luther’s theology is his understanding of God that can be summarized as Gottes Gottheit, which means â€Å"God is God.† In the deepest sense, Luther believes that God is above all and in all. God, through his creative power, reveals that he is free and immutable. He alone can bring life into existence. He alone sustains life. He alone freely wills. Moreover, what God wills can not be impeded or resisted by a mere creature. God is all-powerful and therefore, God’s will is alone immutable. Any person, therefore, that appeals to the freedom of human will attempts to usurp for themselves an attribute that belongs only to God. The free and immutable will of God is, in Luther’s writings, fundamental to a right and proper faith. Without it, God is not God and Scripture would, therefore, have to be annulled. In BOW, Luther constantly emphasizes these two characteristics of the will of God and points out their significance for the Faith. In addition, Luther argues that God has two wills as pertains His nature: (1) the revealed will of His word and, (2) the hidden or inscrutable will. These characteristics of God’s will provide the basis for understanding and interpreting Luther’s conviction that the human will is enslaved. For Luther, the free will of God is not simply God’s limitless and unobstructed ability to choose between any set of variables in any set of circumstances. Rather, it is God’s unique ability to transcend all these variables and circumstances to perform, or not perform, any action that He desires. God’s will is not contingent upon the will of any other being. In ceaseless activity, God creates the possibilities. As such, the free will of God is most plainly revealed to humanity through His creative acts. God freely chooses to create our present reality and likewise, He freely sustains this reality. In fact, reality does not exist except by the will of God. To this all-encompassing extent then, Luther asserts that God is all in all. Nothing is that God does not declare to be. And, it is this creative power that manifests God’s freedom, His free will. In recognizing Luther’s pronounced emphasis on God’s sovereignty, Paul Althaus declares: â€Å"God is the first or principal cause, all others are only secondary or instrumental causes. They are only the tools which he uses in the service of his own autonomous, free, and exclusive working; they are only the masks under which he hides his activity†. The second characteristic of God’s   will that is crucial to Luther’s understanding of the bondage of the human will, is its immutability. That is, God’s will can not be changed, altered or impeded. The immutability of God’s will is the logical conclusion to the freedom of God’s will. God’s sovereignty and almighty power demands that whatever God wills happens by necessity. Nothing occurs contingently. God’s will does not act independently of reality, as the human will does, but rather, God’s will creates reality. In Luther’s theology, the will of God is not contingent and so likewise, the foreknowledge of God is also not contingent. For whatever God wills, he foreknows and so, whatever He foreknows must, by necessity, happen. For if it did not happen, then God would be fallible and His will contingent which Luther declares â€Å"is not to be found in God!†   It is the immutable will of God, acting freely, that provides the Christian with â€Å"the assurance of things hoped for† (Heb 11:1), namely that the promises of God will be fulfilled. As Luther suggests, â€Å"the Christian’s chief and only comfort in every adversity lies in knowing that God does not lie, but brings all things to pass immutably, and that His will cannot be resisted, altered or impeded. â€Å"Indeed, for Luther, the conviction that God’s will is free and immutable must be central to the Faith. Yet, Luther’s theology presents a problem: if God wills everything and everything He wills comes to pass then one must conclude that God wills the salvation of few and the damnation of many (cf. Mt 22:14). Luther answered this dilemma by teaching that God has two wills, the revealed and the hidden. As Luther declares in BOW, God’s decree to damn â€Å"the undeserving . . . [who are] compelled by natural necessity to sin and perish† does indeed seem horrible. Moreover, all rational and philosophical knowledge of God can not avoid the terrible reality of this conclusion, for as Luther concedes, the â€Å"injustice of God . . . is traduced as such by arguments which no reason or light of nature can resist†. Luther understands this horrible decree in light of God’s justice in two ways. For Luther, the answer to these questions is twofold: (1) we must simply believe that God’s justice is righteous because in Christ God has proven His love and compassion and, (2) we should not probe into the hidden or inscrutable will of God wherein God operates paradoxically, i.e. righteousness made evident through unrighteousness. Luther’s twofold answer to the questions of damnation reveals a high view of God’s sovereignty and majesty. Moreover, the answer is in accordance with Luther’s view that God’s will is uniquely free and immutable. The answer also demands that the Christian simply trust in God. The Christian must believe all that is revealed in Scripture, not merely those things that are pleasant to the senses, and as such, we are compelled to accept the fact that God actively chooses to reject certain people. Nevertheless, if God has said in His Word that He is loving and gracious, and He has revealed himself to be such through His forbearance with the Israelites and the glorious plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, but what right can we judge the manner in which God oversees and sustains the world? For Luther, this is precisely the point at which the Christian must heed the words of God, spoken through the prophet Isaiah: â€Å"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts† (Isa 55:8-9). Luther would likewise appeal to God’s answer to Job in Job 38-41 and the words of Paul in Romans 9:20 as yet other examples of the futility of comprehending the incomprehensible and inscrutable will of God. Luther, therefore, answers the critics of predestination and defends God’s decree to affect unbelief in people by appealing to this inscrutable wisdom and will of God, a will that cannot be understood by any attempt of human reason. Because God is God, He has the right to condemn man for sins that God works in Him.10 And so, it is by faith that the Christian simply trusts that God is righteous, loving and gracious in so working. Luther consoles the Christian by exhorting them to look only to the revealed will of God that promises salvation to all who receive Christ. Thus, He does not will the death of a sinner-that is, in His Word; but He wills it by His inscrutable will. At present, however, we must keep in view His Word and leave alone His inscrutable will; for it is by His Word, and not by His inscrutable will, that we must be guided. Yet, for Luther, knowing that God does possess a hidden and inscrutable will of God provides valuable insights for the Christian. The inscrutable will of God tempers the revealed will of God. The doctrine of the free, immutable and inscrutable will of God, therefore, contributes three important foundations to the Christian Faith: (1) God is sovereign, all-powerful and therefore, even evil is under the sway of His goodness and as such, the Christian can be certain that the promises of God will be realized, (2) humanity is not free to earn or demand anything of God and so, God’s gift of salvation can truly be called free and gracious and, (3) the Christian, in response to these truths, is properly humbled and learns, in reverent adoration, to fear God, who acts freely and immutability for His glory. In consequence of his view of God’s will, Luther’s view of the human will is necessarily placed in total subjection to the Divine. It is in this respect that Luther stands in contrast to Erasmus. Luther’s discussion of this topic is theocentric, beginning with a discussion of God and His attributes whereas Erasmus belies an anthropocentric view, beginning with human experience. For Luther, that God’s will is immutable logically demands that man’s will is mutable. For if God’s will is not contingent but immutable and free, no other will can be also be immutable and free otherwise these wills could impede one another and consequently, these wills would no longer be immutable and free but rather, they would be subject to one another. As such, Luther rightly proclaims the inconsistency of the term free will. In Luther’s writings, there are three primary considerations to consider in evaluating the characteristics of the human will: (1) the human will is mutable, (2) as a consequence of the Fall, the human will is enslaved to sin and, (3) the human will requires the grace of God, offered through the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ Jesus, to affect any positive change in a person’s life. Luther’s position on the Divine and human wills was not a small matter to him. In Table-Talk, Luther once stated in regards to his position that â€Å"I know it to be the truth, though all the world should be against it; yea, the decree of Divine Majesty must stand fast against the gates of hell.† The belief that humanity is enslaved to sin and that it is only by sovereign election that God saves a person formed the basis for Luther’s conviction of justification by grace through faith. Grace is one the most important principles of biblical interpretation to Luther and no where is divine grace more evident than in the doctrine of election. And, it is this sola gratia principle of Luther’s faith that preserves the eternal significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. It is by his sacrifice, not by our own works, that God graciously extends salvation to the elect. As Luther often remarked, to assert the freedom of the will is to deny the necessity of Christ’s atoning work. Conclusion Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. By means of his contrast of the earthly and heavenly cities–the one pagan, self-centered, and contemptuous of God and the other devout, God-centered, and in search of grace–Augustine explored and interpreted human history in relation to eternity. Saint Augustine examines the failure of Roman religion and the flaws in human civilization, thus creating the first Christian philosophy of history. Against the ‘city’, i.e., society, of many gods, there is but one alternate society, this Augustine calls The City of God, adopting the expression found in several of King David’s psalms. Not only is the society of many gods the society of polytheists, it is also the â€Å"city† of pantheists, atheistic materialists and philosophical Cynics. In the case of the Cynics and atheists, these false gods are the myriad gods of self, indeed, at least as many gods (selves) as there are believers in them. Thus there are two â€Å"cities†, two loves, two ways to understand the big questions of existence, two destinations. Says Augustine:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The one City began with the love of God; the other had its beginnings in the love of self.† XIV:13. â€Å"The city of man seeks the praise of men, whereas the height of glory for the other is to hear God in the witness of conscience. The one lifts up its head in its own boasting; the other says to God: ‘Thou art my glory, thou liftest up my head.’ (Psalm 3.4) In the city of the world both the rulers themselves and the people they dominate are dominated by the lust for domination; whereas in the City of God all citizens serve one another in charity. . .† References 1. http://www.newadvent.org The Catholic encyclopedia The Journal Of Religion, J. Jeffery Tyler, volume 85, Part 1(2005), pages 317 – 319 Althaus, Paul. The Theology of Martin Luther. Translation of 2nd edition by Robert C. Schultz. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press, 1966 –. Luther’s Works, Volume 31: Career of the Reformer I. ed. Philip S. Watson. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press, 1957.